Welcome to week two of Remote Learning at the Michael Berry Career Center due to the state-mandated COVID-19 closture. Some quick updates below for Parents and Students.
- All MBCC teachers have updated their blogs. Students and parents should be checking in daily. See the post below for teacher blogs and emails.
- The Dearborn Heights Campus is CLOSED. MBCC Staff will be checking emails daily and should respond to your questions withing 24 yours during school days.
Students needing a Chromebook to keep up with their work should contact their home high school principal to make arrangements. Chromebook distribution is currently happening on MONDAYS.Chromebook distribution is now complete.- All Dearborn students are eligible for FREE “grab-and-go” school breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday.
- The state is working on answers to many questions regarding this closure, return dates, SAT, PSAT and AP Testing and school calendars. See this LINK.