Graduating SENIORS must apply for the CTE Honor Cord by May 10th. The link, and qualification criteria are below.
The CTE Office will work with the Academies of Dearborn to establish a List of Approved Academy/CTE Programs of Study (POS) that may include:
- A Series of CTE/Elective classes at the high school
- Completing a CTE Programs at MBCC
- Henry Ford College Certification programs completed through Dual Enrollment
- CTE Associate Degree earned through the Dearborn Collegiate Academy
Graduating students who complete, or are enrolled to complete an approved Academy/CTE POS will be considered for the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Honor cord.
- Students must demonstrate Excellent Academic Achievement by earning a grade of 3.0 or better in each course of the CTE POS.
- Students must demonstrate College and Career Readiness by earning one or more of the following:
- The approved end-of-program Certification, Credential or Degree for their CTE POS (CCMA, CET, PTCB, ESB, CSB, MOS, ACE, ASE MLR, AP Credit, LAPSEN, ProSTART, etc.)
- Qualification for State Competition in a Career and Technical Student Organization (BPA, DECA, FCCLA, HOSA, SkillsUSA, etc).