Dearborn Public Schools students who will be in 10th or 11th grade next year are encouraged to sign up for our NEW! Cybersecurity program at the Michael Berry Career Center. In this program, students will learn the essential knowledge and skills to enter this cutting edge, high-demand (and high paid!) career field. In addition to classroom learning, students will participate in hands-on laboratory exercises in the MBCC’s brand new, state-of-the-art Cybersecurity lab while they practice what they have learned. Students will have the opportunity to earn industry standard Information Technology and Cybersecurity certificates as well as college credit in these classes. After graduation, students will be qualified for entry level employment, as well as transitioning to Henry Ford College’s Cyber center for advanced certification and training. Students interested in enrolling should contact Dr. John Bayerl at MBCC as soon as possible to hold their spot. email: Questions: (313) 827-4808 (leave a message)