Currently only offered at Edsel Ford High School as a CTE Program and Fordson High School as electives only.
Eric Miller (Fordson High School)
Alaa Younes (Edsel Ford High School)

This program prepares students for careers in Welding, Brazing, Soldering and Fabrication and focuses on the cutting and joining of metals using heat, gas, electric and plasma technologies. Knowledge and hands-on lab training focus on industry safety practices, metal identification and selection, measurement, tool usage and selection, industry standards, blueprint reading, metallurgy and welding processes and standards. Students who complete the Edsel Ford program may qualify to take the American Welding Society (AWS) SENSE Certification Exam. Detailed Course Descriptions Follow.

WELDING TECH I Academy of Industry, Technology & Innovation
The program is designed to prepare students for entry-level welding occupations. Students learn basic and advanced techniques in oxyacetylene, gas metal, shielded metal, and tungsten arc welding processes. Fabrication, brazing, cutting of metal products and blueprint reading are also taught. Proper workplace attitudes and behaviors are also practiced.
WELDING TECH 2 Academy of Industry, Technology & Innovation
Students are expected to take a leadership role among his/her peers while improving/completing performance objectives on all equipment and all of the welding processes. Students will learn all position welding, fabrication, and job welding. Students will be involved in welding competitions with students from other schools. Competitions may lead to awards, prizes, certificates and/or employment. Students who successfully complete this program may earn college credits through articulation agreements