Career & Technical Education and Michael Berry Career Center

John Bayerl

Anti Vaping

Anti Vaping

Recently Dearborn Public Schools has created an ant-vaping committee which includes the PTA, community organizations and student leaders in order to come up with the best course of action to take in addressing this issue.  Part of this work is to better understand the...

2024-25 Course Selection Sheets

Attached below is the official course selection sheet for next year. Students and parents can explore ALL the options open to students in grades 10-12 at MBCC and their home high school next year. MBCC courses are on the second page on the right side....

MBCC Parent Teacher Conferences.

MBCC Parent Teacher Conferences.

We are holding parent teacher conferences from 1:15 pm - 7:15 pm on Tuesday November 14, 2023. Please enter through door #1 (Just left of the flagpole near the big "Michael Berry Career Center" letters on the building). You will be asked to sign in upon entry and will...

Career Exploration Resource for Students and Parents

Career Exploration Resource for Students and Parents

Looking to explore in-demand careers and discover the degrees or credentials needed to pursue them? Use Pathfinder, Michigan’s online career exploration tool that uses current information related to employment and the workforce, as well as data about the...

When To Keep Your Child Home

When To Keep Your Child Home

This is the time of year that we begin to see common communicable diseases potentially being spread in the school setting.  Please see the most recent updated "When to Keep your Child Home from School" basic guidance from the district attached below. Another...

Nominate a Deserving Teacher!

Nominate a Deserving Teacher!

Good morning students! I need your help. We are looking for a teacher that has positively impacted you during high school so we can award them a $1,000 award on behalf of Huntington Bank and Arab American News at the annual F.L.I.P. scholarship banquet.  Could...