Current high school students in Dearborn will be signing up for next years classes starting March 1, 2021 (see counselors for details). Because of the Remote Learning/Hybrid Schedule and COVID-19 restrictions this year, it was impossible for us to do our traditional face-to-face presentations about Career and Technical Education (CTE) options and the Michael Berry Career Center (MBCC). We have recorded those presentations below so students and their parents can find out more, and make the right choices when selecting classes that are right for them. These programs are open to all 10th, 11th and 12th grade students in Dearborn.
Prospective students and their parents should watch the “Introduction to CTE and Program Overview” video first to learn about CTE, the Michael Berry Career Center and what programs are available. You can then watch the four videos below for detailed descriptions of programs in each Academy. All videos are closed captions, and the captions can be automatically translated. If you download the presentation, you can also click the links embedded in it to visit the web pages for each program and to find instructor contact information. You can use the link below to download a copy of the powerpoint presentation.
Link to High School Options Live Stream Videos
Introduction to CTE and Program Overview:
Watch this presentation first!
Academy of Business and Hospitality:
Detailed description of Dearborn Business Academy and Culinary Arts programs
Academy of Health Sciences:
Detailed description of Allied Health and Advanced Allied Health programs
Academy of Human Services:
Detailed description of Aspiring Dearborn Educators (Teacher Cadet) and Criminal Justice and Law Careers programs
Academy of Industry, Technology and Innovation:
Detailed description of Automotive Technician; Computer Programming; Construction Trades; Digital Media and Design; and Welding Technician programs.
For more information: visit and click on the program tabs for detailed course/program descriptions and instructor contact information. Or contact:
John Bayerl (CTE Coordinator) 313-827-4808 or