Students interested in preparing for High Skill, High Demand, High Paying careers may elect to participate in a Career & Technical Education (CTE) program through Dearborn Public Schools. These programs are offered free to all Dearborn High School Students. Students may select the courses/programs each year when they review their Educational Development Plan (EDP) with their counselors and select their courses for the following year. Students in 9th grade will take the YouScience Aptitude Assessment to help refine their EDP begin developing career goals that align to their interests and abilities, and select courses that will help them achieve those goals.

The Michael Berry Career Center provides access to CTE programs for all Dearborn. These programs all feature the Required Components of CTE:
- Classroom instruction aligned to Rigorous National Standards.
- Provide students with hands-on laboratory learning using industry standard equipment, processes and procedures.
- Require students to participate in Work Based Learning with local employers (job shadows, internships and externships, CoOp employment, etc.)
- Provide students leadership and scholarship opportunities through Career and Technical Education Student Organizations (CTSOs) including BPA, DECA, FCCLA, HOSA and SkillsUSA.
- Offer students the ability to earn Industry Recognized Certifications and Credentials.
- Provide students with Post Secondary Credit Agreements (college credit for high school CTE classes)
Current CTE Programs offered in Dearborn
Detailed information and program/course descriptions can be found at and choosing the “Programs” tab at the left.
- Pre Education (Teacher Cadet) (Education Careers/Teacher Cadet)
- Criminal Justice and Law Careers
- Culinary Arts (Hospitality Careers)
- Dearborn Business Academy (Accounting, Business Management and Marketing)
- Allied Health (Health and Medical Careers)
- Computer Programming (College level Coding and Computer Science Careers)
- Digital/Multimedia and Design (Foundation for both Engineering/STEM and Creative/Artistic Design Careers)
- Information Technology and Cybersecurity (Careers in Computer Repair, Networking and Data Security)
- Construction Trades (Pre Skilled Trades) -Currently offered at Dearborn High and Fordson
- Automotive Technician (NATEF Certified) – Currently offered at Edsel Ford and Fordson
- Certified Welding Technician – Offered at Edsel Ford only