Career & Technical Education and Michael Berry Career Center

Student Activities


Students at the Michael Berry Career Center have the opportunity to participate in a variety student leadership activities through our Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs–BPA, DECA, FCCLA, HOSA and SkillsUSA) as well as be nominated to serve on the Dearborn Heights Campus Student Leadership Council (SLC). Students may also be recognized for academic excellence and career readiness though our Michael Berry Honor Cord and/or membership in the National Technical Honor Society. Graduating seniors who are completing one of our career programs may also apply for the Otto J. Rowen Scholarship sponsored yearly by the Dearborn Rotary and the Horatio Alger CTE Scholarships. Information on all of these activities is found below.

Business Professionals of America is a national career and technical student organization for students who are enrolled, in a business education program. The mission of Business Professionals of America is to develop and empower student leaders to discover their passion and change the world by creating unmatched opportunities in learning, professional growth and service

DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management. Students gain experience through interactive classroom activities and by attending DECA Conferences throughout the school year.

Family Career and Community Leaders of America is the Career and Technical Student organization for Family and Consumer Science, Early Childhood Education and Teacher Cadet Programs in Michigan and promotes personal growth and leadership development focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner and community leader

Health Occupations Students of America provides students opportunities to develop as a leader and a future health care professional and provides powerful instructional tools, recognition, leadership, networking, scholarships, and connections to the healthcare industry.

SkillsUSA empowers its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. SkillsUSA improves the quality of our nation’s future skilled workforce through the development of Framework skills that include personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics.

The Michael Berry Career Center Honor Cord is awarded to students to recognize distinguished achievement in the Career and Technical Education (CTE)  programs at the Michael Berry Career Center. The MBCC Graduation Honor Cord is approved to be worn during high school and Collegiate Academy graduation ceremonies. Click link above for requirements for seniors to receive the cord.

The Michael Berry Career Center National Technical Honor Society (Chapter 4327) is an honor society for outstanding career and technical students of workforce vocational education institutions in the United States. Student who meet the qualifications (click link above) will be automatically invited to join.

The Dearborn Heights Campus Student Leadership Committee is made up representatives from STEM Middle School, The Dearborn Center for Math, Science and Technology, Magnet High School and MBCC Programs. They provide input to adult campus leaders on issues relative and important to the student body and assist with campus wide initiatives. Members are nominated by their teachers for their demonstrated leadership ability.

The Otto J. Rowen Scholarship is presented by the Rotary Club of Dearborn each year to multiple graduating students who demonstrate exceptional achievement in Dearborn vocational programs. The funds may be used for post-graduation tuition / training fees, or to purchase specialized materials and equipment to continue in their chosen career.

The Horatio Alger Career & Technical Scholarships are awarded to students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their lives who wish to pursue a career or technical education at an accredited non-profit post-secondary institution in the United States.