Career & Technical Education and Michael Berry Career Center

MBCC and Online Program (VLP)

We are receiving many questions about MBCC classes and the “all year, online-only” program, the Dearborn Virtual Learning Program (VLP). There is a link with district information below, but to summarize:

  • ALL Dearborn students are starting the year remotely.
  • High school students are signed up for 6 classes each semester, which CAN include MBCC classes. All these classes will meet remotely at least until October 1.
  • If and when the school board decides to return students to live face-to-face or “hybrid” instruction (where they attend some days in person and some days remotely), parents/students will have to make a choice:
    • To remain totally online for the rest of the year, they will drop their high school classes (including MBCC) and be assigned teaches at the VLP. There is no guarantee that the VLP teachers will be from their home high school. No MBCC teachers are assigned to VLP, so students would have to pick another elective at VLP at that time.
    • Students/Parent will have the option of remaining at the high school/MBCC and attending the face-to-face sessions in person. The district will attempt to be flexible if students want to attend MBCC courses face-to-face but switch to VLP course for the remainder of their schedule.

Please contact your High School Principal if you have questions or concerns. You may also view the District’s “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about VLP at the link below).